~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/
Adobe Illustator 22
then open the folder en_US
Adobe SVG Filters.svg
Adobe SVG Filters old.svg
Adobe SVG Filters old.svg
& Sprout_Shadow_Mini
Updating filters is the worst in Illustrator. Illustrator is a fantastic vector manipulation tool. But it’s a bad text editor, and it’s desire to replace all dumb quotes with smart quotes is wonderful. But breaks everything when it comes to code. The best thing to do if you want to adjust the blur amounts, is apply the blur, export it, and go talk to a developer. Or open up the Adobe SVG Filters.svg in an editor and play with these settings.
<feFlood flood-color="#000" flood-opacity="0.25" result="offsetColor"></feFlood>
Is the opacity of the blur, increasing it will get it closer to black, decreasing it will get it closer to transparent.
<feOffset dx="5" dy="5" in="blur" result="offsetBlur"></feOffset>
These are two length values to set the shadow offset. dx
specifies the horizontal distance. Negative values place the shadow to the left of the element. dy
specifies the vertical distance. Negative values place the shadow above the element.
If both values are 0, the shadow is placed behind the element (and may generate a blur effect if feGaussianBlur
is set).
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" result="blur" stdDeviation="10"></feGaussianBlur>
attribute in the <feGaussianBlur>
is the third length value. The larger this value, the bigger the blur, so the shadow becomes bigger and lighter. Negative values are not allowed. If not specified, it will be 0 (the shadow’s edge is sharp). The specification does not include an exact algorithm for how the blur radius should be calculated, however, it does elaborate as follows:
<filter filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" height="160%" id="Sprout_Shadow_Mini" width="122%" x="-10%" y="-30%">
This creates a Frame around your that holds your filtered element. There’s kinda no way around this. If your seeing weird edges at the ends of your blur, you can increase the width and height, (and decrease the x & y by half the amount) but beware, down this path lies madness.